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On Shabbos afternoons, chevrusahs (one-on-one learning partnerships), chaburahs (small tutorials), and shiurim (lectures) begin one-and-a-half hours before shkia and are followed by Minchah, Seudah Shlishis and Maariv. Led by Rabbi Greer, the Seudah Shlishis features a D'var Torah delivered each week by one of the Yeshiva faculty.

The Yeshiva Shabbos Group enjoy a special
Motzai Shabbos Kumsitz.

Women of the community join together for Rebbetzin Greer's Chumash shiur, Shabbos afternoons in her home (133 West Park Avenue, a short walk from the Yeshiva) followed by Seudah Shlishis. During the summer, the women's group meets at six in the evening and all are invited to join. {In the winter months, the group begins one-half hour before sunset.}

Children whose parents are participating in the Shabbos learning groups are invited to join the baby sitting co-operative hosted at the home of Rena Greer (243 Ellsworth Ave).  Children enjoy a "kids" seudas shilishis with fun and games.  Please call 773-9687 before Shabbos for more information.

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