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Rabbi Emanuel Gettinger, Rosh Yeshiva
Rabbi Daniel Greer, Menahel

The Yeshiva of New Haven's Mesivta prides itself on solid learning in a warm, personal environment. The Mesivta boasts fine dormitory facilities, welcoming young men from New England, Greater New York and North America.

The Yeshiva is headed by HoRav Menachem Gettinger, shlita, an outstanding talmid of the late Gaon, HoRav Yitzchok Hutner, zt"l. Rabbi Gettinger serves as President of Ezras Torah - one of the oldest and most respected charitable organizations in the Jewish world. All the bochurim have the opportunity to learn with the Rosh Yeshiva.

The Limudei Kodesh staff consists of experienced Rebbeim who emphasize the importance of a precise understanding of the kosuv and completion of masechtos. Past graduates of the Mesivta have gone on to learn at world renowned Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel and here in the United States.

An excellent and full general studies curriculum, approved by the State of Connecticut Department of Education, is offered. Faculty members are Ph.D.'s and graduates of Yale and other top universities. After completing high school, boys are well prepared for advanced general studies and the best colleges and universities.

HoRav Daniel Greer Shlita, delivers a shiur in the Yeshiva

In addition to the core curriculum, students take part in the many community programs sponsored by the Yeshiva, including community shiurim, outreach, and Shabbos and Yom Tov hospitality. The bochurim participate actively in the Minyan affiliated with the Yeshiva and are encouraged to develop a sense of communal responsibility.

New Haven was home to the first Yeshiva in the United States outside of New York. HoRav Yehudah Levenberg, zt"l, a talmid of the Alter of Slobodka, served as Chief Rabbi of New Haven in the early 1920's, when he opened his Yeshiva. Many of Rav Levenberg's students have since become great Rabbis and Roshei Yeshiva. The roots established by Rav Levenberg have wonderfully blossomed again as the Yeshiva of New Haven.

For the past eight years, the Yeshiva has conducted a very successful Summer Masmidim Program, attracting top bochurim from around the United States. A group of boys spend an exhilarating month growing in learning, culminating in a Siyum. The Rosh Yeshiva works closely with the boys during the Program, emphasizing the importance of setting goals in learning. The young men enjoy a range of exciting trips and activities as well.

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us or call the Mesivta at 203-777-7199 for more information.

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