Gemora, the Yeshiva follows a cycle of four
Mesechtos –
Pesochim and
Succah. In the
Iyun Shiur,
bochurim develop independent learning skills and the ability to parse and analyze
Gemora and then
Rishonim. During
Bekiyus Seder, a complete
mesechta is learned each year culminating with a celebratory
siyum. The emphasis is on a precise reading and building familiarity with the
loshon and structure of the
Gemora to foster the
talmid’s attachment to learning.
Talmidim also study Chumash and Rashi. Additionally, large blocks of the first two chalokim of the Mishna Berura, as well as the Halachos of the Yomim Tovim are covered in the text. When a bochur graduates, he feels at home in the Mishna Berura.
Shiurim on
Tefilla are an integral part of the program. Also, during Night Seder, the
bochurim learn either
Novi or
Halacha, depending on the year. A wide spectrum of practical
Halachos, including
Tzedaka and the like, as well as
Sefer Shmuel,
are covered.
To promote a well-rounded, frum background and connection with Yiddishkeit, bochurim learn Jewish History beginning with the Bayis Sheni era. Discussion of the Torah Hashkofo on current events and issues of importance to the frum community develop a depth of thought and inculcate Torah values to help graduates navigate the world ahead. Ninth graders also learn about the structure of the Luach based on the first two Perakim of Maseches Rosh HaShana, Ramban al HaTorah and high school level astronomy.