Rosh Chodesh Trips – At Yeshiva of New Haven, every Rosh Chodesh takes on a different, joyous dimension as the new month is greeted with a field trip! These excursions run the gamut from visits with Gedolim to behind-the-scenes, on-the-runway tours of an international airport to thirty-mile bike rides to scaling rock faces during hikes in the woods. Whether primarily educational or recreational, these trips augment and broaden the Yeshiva of New Haven experience.

Motzei Shabbos Activity – Following the learning seder, talmidim enjoy a thought-provoking and fun activity. One never knows what is in store! Could be a bonfire on the beach or capture the flag. Perhaps this week it will be cops and robbers in a moonlit forest, make-your-own-elephant night or attending a Yale Symphony Orchestra performance. The events are geared to inspire creativity or provide a framework for structured exercise and relaxation. Bochurim are challenged to dip into the wellsprings of their imagination and embrace, from a Torah perspective, HaSh-m’s wondrous world.
Gym and Swim Program – Every Thursday morning, Yeshiva rents Yale University’s state-of-the-art Lanman Center for a vigorous session on the basketball court. Friday mornings, we are at Yale’s Exhibition Pool, with its 7’ shallow end and 3 meter diving board, for serious swimming.
Politics in Action – Students are encouraged to understand and participate in local political activities. Bochurim meet with elected representatives at the Connecticut State Capital in Hartford, and learn about the functioning of governmental systems. When the appropriate opportunity arises, students participate in campaigns and rallies.